These Days That Stretch On

Table Talk

Setting the Table

You are welcome here. Come just as you are, bringing whatever is on your heart today. Take a few moments and allow yourself to just be. Take a couple of deep breaths, grab yourself a cup of coffee, light a candle—do something that brings you comfort. Allow yourself to be present in this moment.

Time only seems to move faster and faster. What would it feel like to slow down and re-center so that we could truly appreciate the significance of each precious moment we’re given?

But somewhere in the rush I felt
we’re losin’ ourselves.
And days go by. 
I can feel them flyin’
like a hand out the window in the wind.
The cars go by.
Yea it’s all we’ve been given.
So you better start livin’ right now,
‘cause days go by.
- Keith Urban

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

Food for Thought

It’s only the first weeks of a new year and already I’ve spent most of these first days trying to decide what I will do for the remaining 300-plus. There are many days ahead of us, and yet I know they will fly by. From here looking forward, those days seem to stretch on endlessly, but from the same place looking back, the year that just ended fits easily into the palm of my hand, like a day planner or my phone calendar. Those days no longer stretch out, but crowd each other, distorting even the most precious memories of the past year.

Like the first day we brought home our newest little one—which of our older ones held him first? Did we give him a bath that first day or the next? And what gifts did they each give to welcome him into the family? Small details, I know, but moments that, for a time, I thought I’d never forget.

This past year was packed with moments, which seems almost absurd to say. Of course it was—that is the essence of time and life. Time keeps going; life keeps happening. But perhaps said another way, this year was not just packed with moments—it was packed with significance. Within our families and within our communities, there were moments filled with heartbreak and disbelief, with joy and awe, with frustration and wits’ ends, with exhaustion and rest.

In this past year, we were all more aware of the magnitude of time and life. We faced the ongoing presence of mental illness, of cancer diagnoses, of health scares. We looked on to life as we dreamed it would be or thought it never would be. We birthed life, and grieved loss, and learned to walk and live without those we thought would always be here. In this year, we have known deep joy and deep sadness. We have been richly blessed, and changed, and held by the grace of community and friendship. Many of us prayed more fervently, although we may have been completely unaware of it until now.

Though it is true that this past year seems just a flash, reflecting intentionally over these days I realize I have felt more deeply, allowed more vulnerability, grown richer in love and friendship—not perfectly, but in ways that are essential to the life and light of my own soul.

As we look on to the days that seem to stretch on through the year, my prayer is that we might continue to lean into the vulnerability of life and joy and grief held together. I pray that we might allow ourselves to feel more deeply each moment, each blessing received, each opportunity to give back. I pray that we might know one another more fully—that we will slow down, practice grace for ourselves and others, live courageously, be generous in love and patience, embody gratitude—and that we will be people who continue to value the significance of each passing moment.

Think back over this past year and write down a moment that gave you life, a moment where you practiced vulnerability, a moment of deep joy, and a moment that brought difficult grief. Hold these moments together and offer a prayer for how each of these moments has shaped who you are right now.

As we strive to know one another more fully, lean intentionally into the stories of your beautiful community. Be present, listen, and offer words of encouragement if it feels appropriate.   

Try sharing your own story. You never know how your experience might be a tool for changing the hearts and minds of others.

For a printable version of today's reflection Click Here!

​​If you have a story that you would like to share, we would love to read it! You can email us at or reply directly to this email.


Loving God,
We thank you for each moment, and for the gift of sharing those moments with those around us. Help us to see in each moment the opportunity to offer more grace, love, and gratitude into this world.

A little Table Talk for your table...

  • Take a few minutes and discuss your most significant moments of the past year. What were some of the highlights? Lowlights? What changed over the course of the year?

  • Do you often feel like all your days are running together? Talk together about why it can be easy to feel this way, and consider some ways you could slow down a bit.

  • We strive to know one another more fully and to lean intentionally into the stories of our beautiful communities. Take a few moments to share some part of your story with one another. Be present, listen carefully, and offer words of encouragement if it feels appropriate.

Try taking it to the Kids Table...

  • No one can live in the moment quite like a kid. Next time your kiddo is playing, play along!

  • Find intentional moments to be together. If it’s a sunny day, take the kids outside to ride bikes, play tag, or enjoy time finding shapes in the clouds.

  • Have them share their favorite part of each day. You share, too! It’s a good way to get centered, to connect, and to reflect on the moments of the day.

Meet our Welcoming Voice!

The Welcome Table Team - We are “The Bunce Girls!” Originally from Lexington, North Carolina, we were raised surrounded by music, justice, and faith. We spent most of our Sunday afternoons gathered around an open table with family and friends where the food was plentiful, stories and laughter connected our hearts, and where the presence of each individual was held sacred. It’s those moments that have inspired The Welcome Table.

To hear more from Lin throughout the week, follow along on our Instagram!

Here are
Five Things to Remember When Setting Your Own Welcome Table!

TWT Team