Welcome to Table Talk

We are so glad you are here!

2020 was a hard year, there’s no way around it. We are all tired. Our days are busy, our minds are racing, our calendars are full, our worries are overwhelming, and our bodies are weary. We, people that we love, and our communities have known deep pain, division, hurt, and loss.

As we look toward a new year, we are all hoping for a glimpse of normalcy. We are searching for togetherness in isolation and longing to know that God’s love is with us in this chaos.

Table Talk at The Welcome Table is a resource of weekly reflections that meet us in the midst of our searching with grace and renewal. Each week offers an invitation to come as you are, to meet God anew in stories, reflections, and opportunities to respond. To remember our belovedness, and to see the community around us through the renewed understanding of God’s love for the world.

As you journey through each week, we hope you not only know more intimately this God who calls us in from the fields of our busy lives to offer us rest and welcome, but that you also are inspired to offer that same sense of renewal into the world around you.

We, at The Welcome Table, believe that real conversations and community happen in the spaces where the belovedness and the voices of all are welcomed and valued.

If you want to know more about who we are, visit our website.

Kendall Grubb